Republic Chapter Meetings

Meeting Location

The Chapter is meeting via at the Salem Public Libary and via Zoom. Contact a member or e-mail sar.republicchapter @ (remove spaces from the email address) to request a link to the Chapter meetings.

Schedule of Meetings & Events:

Chapter meetings are generally held on the third Saturday of the month, at 12:00 Noon. Note: The Republic Chapter does not meet in July & August. We have a variety of interesting speakers and our own members give presentations on their Patriot Ancestors and events of the American Revolutionary War.

The Republic Chapter S.A.R. holds its annual membership meeting on the third Saturday each April to commemorate the anniversary of the organization of the Chapter (April 25, 1973). At the Annual Meeting, new officers are inducted, awards are presented, and annual reports are given.

Past Meetings

February 20, 2010 – The History of the U.S. Constitution

Arleta Day of the D.A.R. presented the background and history of the U.S. Constitution and handed out booklets about the Constitution of the United States

January 16, 2010 – Compatriot Archie Mustard’s patriot ancestor.

Compatriot Archie Mustard presented his patriot ancestor at the Battle of Shallow Ford in North Carolina

December 19, 2009 – Business Meeting

Elected and swore in slate of Chapter officers for 2010. Discussion of projects for the Chapter in 2010. No program meeting.

September 19, 2009 – Compatriot David Devin’s Ancestor

Presented Seargent William Devin’s service in the Revolutionary War from 1777-1780. Inducted Compatriot Richard Swartz into the Chapter. Afterwards, the Chapter participated in a memorial service for Compatriot Philip Chambers at the City View Cemetery in Salem.

August 22, 2009 – SAR/DAR/CAR Picnic

Republic Chapter members attended the combined Oregon societies picnic in Wilsonville.

June 20, 2009 – DAR’s Newell House Museum

Presented by Judy Van Atta (DAR).

February 21, 2009 – Salem’s Pioneer Cemetery

Presented by Elizabeth Potter, a volunteer with the Friends of Pioneer Cemetery. Her informative talk was on the history of Salem Pioneer Cemetery and included information about different styles of memorial markers and some of the historical people buried in the cemetery. We welcomed Compatriot Richard Duer into the Chapter. Received report on the Board of Managers meeting in Eugene on Jan. 31, 2009.

January 17, 2009 – Navajo Code Talkers

Presented by Day Westin, the Organizing Secretary for the Oregon State Society Daughters of the American Revolution. The Chapter Officers for 2009 were sworn in.

December 20, 2008 – Meeting Cancelled

The meeting was cancelled due to the inclement weather. It was snowing!

November 15, 2008 – Patriot Ancestor of Compatriot Wiest

Presented by Compatriot Dr. Earl Wiest of the Republic Chapter.

October 18, 2008 –

September 20, 2008 – Historic Buildings of Downtown Salem

Presented by Amy Vandergrift of the Marion County Historical Society. We welcomed Compatriots David Devin, Gary Devin, and Steven Devin into the Chapter. A service was held to award the Memorial Membership for Compatriot Carl G. Devin to Patricia Devin.

August 16, 2008 – Chapter Picnic

Chapter and State Society picnic held at the Caples House Museum in Ocean City, Oregon. Hosted by the Lewis & Clark Chapter S.A.R.

May 20, 2006 – The Revolutionary Patriot Ancestor of Compatriot Gentemann

Presented by Compatriot Lee Gentemann of the Republic Chapter, S.A.R.

April 15, 2006 – The Revolutionary Patriot Ancestor of Compatriot Armstrong

Presented by Compatriot Colin Armstrong of the Republic Chapter.

March 18, 2006 – The Revolutionary Patriot Ancestor of Compatriot Cockerham

Presented by Compatriot Norman Cockerham of the Republic Chapter.

February 18, 2006 – The Revolutionary Patriot Ancestor of Compatriot Richard Shellito

Presented by Compatriot Richard Shellito of the Republic Chapter.

January 21, 2006 – Our Revolutionary Patriot Ancestors

Presented by Compatriots Bob Thompson and Willis Meisenheimer of the Republic Chapter.

December 17, 2005 – Revolutionary Patriot Ancestors

This is our Annual Christmas Luncheon. Bring your spouse, or a friend. Bring a sack of non-perishable food for donation to the Oregon Food Bank

November 19, 2005 – Revolutionary Patriot Ancestor of Compatriot Blose

Presented by Compatriot William Blose of the Republic Chapter. We were pleased to welcome Robert W. “Bob” Oliver as a guest and prospective member. Bob is from Salem and is a retired lawyer and former legal advisor to Gov. Vic Atiyeh. Bob’s Revolutionary Ancestor is Dionysius Oliver.

October 15, 2005 – Revolutionary Patriot Ancestors of Compatriot Wight

Presented by Compatriot Bennett A. Wight, Jr. of the Republic Chapter.

September 17, 2005 – Patriot Lineage of Compatriot Higley

Lowell Higley discusses his lineage back to his Patriot Ancestors. This is the first of a series in which Republic Chapter members will share information about their patriot ancestors and their involvement in the revolutionary war. Welcome to our newest member, Compatriot Richard W. Shellito.

August 20, 2005 – Annual Chapter Picnic

WHERE: Maude Williamson State Park LOCATION: 11 miles North of Salem on Wallace Road (Hwy. 221) WHEN: 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. BRING: Two dishes of your choice, and your own table service.

June 18, 2005 – The U.S. and Global Poverty

A video presentation from the Foreign Policy Association. Following the video, Compatriot Blodgett provided enlightening statistics and lead a discussion.

May 21, 2005 – No planned schedule

Very poor attendance.

April 23, 2005 – Meeting Date Change

Changed to avoid a conflict with ORSSAR Board of Managers Meeting.

March 19, 2005 – “Outsourcing Jobs, a U.S. Dilemma”

A video presentation from the Foreign Policy Association. Following the video, members discussed the issues raised.

February 19, 2005 – Washington, Man or Monument?

A video presentation made from material assembled by Compatriot Jim Williams. The Video Program was cancelled for lack of time.

January 15, 2005 – Meeting Cancelled

Freezing Rain – Dangerous Driving. Meeting was not re-scheduled

December 18, 2004 – Annual SAR Christmas Party and Election of Officers

Bring your wife, or a guest. Elected officers for the 2005 SAR year.

November 20, 2004 – Lewis and Clark Expedition – Corps of Discovery

A video presentation about this momentous expedition. We discussed the Republic Chapter Annual Program.

October 16, 2004 – The Price of Politics, Electing Our Leaders

A video taped from an OPB broadcast regarding our Federal elections process. We welcomed our newest member, Compatriot John Alexander.

September 18, 2004 – Continue annual program discussion

Continued consideration of an annual program for the chapter.

August 21, 2004 – Annual Chapter Picnic

This year the picnic was held at historic Champoeg State Park

June 19, 2004 – Continue annual program discussion

Continue consideration of an annual program for the chapter. Our meeting location changed to the Sizzler Restaurant, 1151 Lancaster Dr., NE

May 15, 2004 – ORSSAR winner of the Knight Essay Contest

Presented by our winner, Mr. Erik Hickman, a senior at Tigard High School. His essay title is “The French in the American Revolution.” Time permitting, we continue with the agenda for April, concerning our Chapter’s participation in appropriate local and national celebrations.

April 17, 2004 – Discussion of a national holidays program

For consideration: Should Chapter efforts be primarily in conjunction with other local organizations? How far beyond the Salem area? How much can we support?

March 20, 2004 – What Is the SAR? What Does the SAR Do?

Questions and Comments by those present, to remind ourselves of the SAR missions

February 21, 2004 – Spirit of Americana Melodies

Time permitting, members enjoy a selection of original melodies, “The Spirit of Americana,” collected and presented by Compatriot Norm Cockerham.

January 17, 2004 – Our Veteran Organizations

Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion. A collection of videos describing aspects of these organizations